T-shirt and Logo Design Contest
Congratulations to Hemant Chaurasia, the artist of the design in the first row below, second from the left, which received the most votes in public voting! The design is now being touched up by a professional t-shirt graphic designer. We can’t wait to unveil the official t-shirt design, website logo and 404 page, and social media banners!
The shirts are a gift to our qontributors, qurators, and all who’ve submitted their beautiful designs! Thank you for supporting this initiative and thank you to the Unitary Fund nonprofit for funding! The submitted designs are below for your viewing pleasure.

Design Contest Rules
Announcing our t-shirt and logo design contest! Anyone can enter, so feel free to spread the word!
- The contest is throughout the month of August. Deadline for submission via below form is the end of Aug 31 anywhere on earth.
- Voting will be done by the public, online on this page of our website, in the first week of September.
- The winner will receive one free t-shirt of their design shipped internationally, and recognition as a contributor on the website.
Full rules:
- The t-shirt and logo can both be any combination of colors. Note that the t-shirt will be black and have an approximately 12 in. wide by 16 in. tall area where design is allowed. The logo dimensions should have roughly the same height and width. The t-shirt and logo should be similar in design and colors, and don’t have to be exactly the same image but can be.
- The t-shirt design must have the text fullstackquantumcomputation.tech (can break that up into multiple lines) and be themed around quantum universal education.
- All of the design must be either original or open-source art (aka no stealing art).
- No limit on the number of submissions per person.
- Upon winning, the winners will be notified via the email below, and admin team of fullstackquantumcomputation.tech have rights to use the design and make any modifications to it.
The link below is the Google form for submissions. Note that sign-in to a Google account is required to upload images of your designs to the Google form.